The management of our plant congratulated gifted schoolchildren of Haivoron
It is commonly known that, “Haivoron Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant” PJSC is the city-forming enterprise, which not only increases the rate and volume of production, but also pays great attention to social and community events taking place in Haivoron.
Thus, annually in local general educational institutions the traditional program is held, which defines the best schoolchildren in different categories. Before the end of the school year, pupils who are the winners of district, regional and all-Ukrainian subject olympiads and competitions, sports competitions, schoolchildren with creative talents and active civil status have received deserved awards.
On May 22, 2018, the concert in celebration of the school holiday “Attaboys and Attagirls” took place in the educational complex 2, and on May 23, in the educational complex 1 – the concert in honor of the “Book of School Records” holiday. The representatives of our plant congratulated all gifted, talented and active pupils in sports and school life with souvenir gifts.
Elena Scherba and Alina Rusavskaya (school 2), as well as Olga Romanova and Konstantin Svistunov (school 1) received special certificates in own nomination “Gifted Children Are Our Future!” and cash money rewards from “Haivoron Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant” PJSC.
We express our gratitude to the directors of schools Valentina Polischuk and Yulia Poshenko and teachers for the organizing of this wonderful events and teaching of the future elite of our city!