We report on the work of our plant in March, 2018
March of 2018 became the month of solid work in the enterprise and difficult but successful negotiations outside for “Haivoron Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant” PJSC.
So, the contract with the new supplier of blanks allowed to increase the amount of orders fulfilled. In particular, in this March, rack wheels, gear rings, as well as other types of products (brake pads, repair kits of shock absorbers CHME-3, etc.) were manufactured and sold.
It should be noted that the interest in “Haivoron Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant” PJSC and the demand for our products are significantly increasing, which positively influences the development and the possibility of further cooperation with institutions and enterprises engaged in railroad repairs.
In March of this year, representatives of our plant held negotiations with the management of a number of sectoral enterprises and branches of “Ukrzaliznytsya” PJSC. They considered options for cooperation, in particular, the possibility of joint execution of large orders (especially from foreign customers), raised the issue of exchange of experience in the field of repair of diesel locomotives, the introduction of production modernization programs, and discussed the problems of new projects financing.
It should be noted that all the meetings were constructive, and in the near future we will see the implementation of the results of these negotiations.